Once you've finished setting up your account, you can change your investments at any time by following the instructions below.
If you haven't finished setting up your account, you will be prompted to complete the remaining enrollment steps first when you login.
How do I change my investments?
After logging in, click Elections in the top menu.
Scroll down to the Investment Election and click Change.
To pick an OctaveWealth managed portfolio:
Select "Octave" from the Fund Family drop down.
Use the slider to choose the desired portfolio.
Once you are happy with your selection, click Update Portfolio Settings.
Review the pop-up that summarizes your changes and click Yes, update portfolio settings.
The system tells you when your changes will take effect, which can take up to 4 business days. You won't be able to make any other changes to your investments until after that date.
To create your own custom portfolio:
Select "Custom" from the Fund Family drop down.
Enter the percentage for the individual funds you’d like to add to your portfolio.
Once your total equals 100% and you are happy with your selection, click Update Portfolio Settings.
Review the pop-up that summarizes your changes and click Yes, update portfolio settings.
The system tells you when your changes will take effect, which can take up to 4 business days. You won't be able to make any other changes to your investments until after that date.